Woman sitting on bench with daughter on lap, both smiling.
Ways to Give / Legacy Giving

Transform Lives with Your Legacy

What can your legacy gift provide?

Planning your estate?

Union Gospel Mission has partnered with Willfora, a FREE resource to help make creating or updating a Will easier than ever for our supporters. Willfora allows you to create a legal Will online in 20-minutes or less, at no cost to you. Visit UGM’s Willfora page and start planning your legacy today.

Willfora Logo Small

*Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor or tax consultant. We recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with a Will or a legacy gift.


If you are working with a lawyer to create a gift in your Will to Union Gospel Mission:
Please ensure that your Will includes our legal name and address.

Union Gospel Mission - 601 East Hastings St. Vancouver, BC, V6A 1J7
Canadian Charitable Registration Number #: 13190 2348 RR0001

Sample Bequest Wording

A share of the residue

A share of the residue (designates a percentage of the remainder of your Estate, once debts and specific gifts in your Will have been paid):

“I give to Union Gospel Mission – 601 E. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC, V6A 1J7 _______ percent of the residue of my Estate for its charitable purposes.”

A specific gift in your Will

A specific gift in your Will (designates a specific amount of cash or other assets):

“I give to Union Gospel Mission – 601 E. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC, V6A 1J7 the sum of $________ (or a description of the property or asset) for its charitable purposes.”

Financial Flexibility

There are many ways to create a legacy gift. Beneficial interest in RRSPs and RRIFs, Gifts of Life Insurance, and Securities can all help support UGM. We’d be happy to talk with you if you want more information about these options. 

Your gift can transform lives

Be inspired by our compassionate legacy donors by reading their stories.