Mike with Christmas decorations
Green background with holly leaf graphics

Christmas Match

Thanks to your incredible support, we have raised $2M in just four days to meet the needs of neighbours experiencing homeslessness this Christmas!


Your Impact Will Last a Lifetime

What an amazing week! Our annual Christmas Match campaign has come to an end, but the impact made will last a lifetime.

The generosity of supporters like you opened the door to hope for so many people who have struggled to keep going in the midst of devastating homelessness, painful addiction, and crippling poverty. 

It's truly overwhelming to see so many donors who deeply care about people in need come together to make a difference this Christmas season. Together, with the support of generous matching donors, we were able to raise $2,007,240!

This means families and individuals will find the support and resources they need at Union Gospel Mission to heal, rebuild, and restore their lives — and find joy again. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. 

Thank you for caring for our community this Christmas season. Your ongoing support comes at a time when the need is more urgent than ever — families overwhelmed by unaffordable housing, rising food costs, and the devastating addiction crisis. 

Even the smallest act of kindness can make a world of difference. Whether it's warm meals, clothing, shelter, or a bit of holiday cheers, thanks to our community coming together we can show someone who felt alone or forgotten that they are loved by God and their neighbours. 

Thanks again for your partnership. Blessings to you and your loved ones this Christmas! 


Dean Kurpjuweit 

President of Union Gospel Mission

P.S. If you didn't get a chance to donate, you can still make an impact! Give today.

Together, We're Transforming Lives!

Thanks to over 2,500 people and families coming together in generosity and love, we have raised enough to meet the needs our neighbours this winter season. In addition to life-changing programs, that means... 




nights of safe shelter


emergency food hampers

Each gift, from $5 to $5,000, makes a difference and will help transform lives. 

We asked what inspired your generosity, and you responded: 

  • UGM demonstrates the love of Christ every day, in so many ways. They support so many community members who struggle with homelessness, addiction, mental health and poverty. Thank you, UGM. 
  • Your organization supports men and my brother was supported by UGM when he was on the DTES. Thank you. 
  • People always fall down in life. Some much worse than others. We all must notice and help one another. It can happen to anyone. 
  • The amazing love of Jesus towards every single one of his magnificent children. 
  • The anniversary of my dad's passing. He was always helping people. 
  • It makes a difference to have a good meal. 
  • My brother died because of drugs. I pray the ministry will help those with addictions get free because of the power of the gospel. 
  • The love of Jesus for a brother-in-law that lives on the streets of Vancouver struggling with addiction & the many souls like him. 
  • We have supported UGM for over 30 years. My mom used to help serve meals there and witness to many people. She is in Heaven now, singing praises to our Lord and Saviour. 
  • My brother was a patron of UGM before his passing in 2003. We are grateful for the work you do in the community. Blessing to all of you and those you help. 
  • In memory of a beloved young man whom I have known since he was five years old, who died of an accidental overdose this month. He faced many mental helath challenges but was able to find support, secure housing and friendship in the Downtown Eastside community. He is much missed by a loving family and friends. 

Thank you for trusting us with your gift. Together, we can transform communities, one life at a time. 

For assistance, please call our donor relations team at 604.215.5440 ext 464 or visit our Common Questions about Donations