Help Protect Your Neighbours from the Cold
Your gift of shelter and care will provide safety and warmth to neighbours facing homelessness this winter
DonateStories & Updates
Our community is marked by resilience, strength and overcoming. Be inspired by stories of life change, and discover how transformation is unfolding.

How We Help
At UGM, we believe in meeting people wherever they’re at, and helping restore lives by providing for their whole needs. Whether that’s through a nourishing meal and safe shelter, or addiction recovery and supportive housing, our compassionate continuum of care is designed to bring deep healing, and build bright futures.
The Need in Metro Vancouver and Victoria
The need for help is greater than ever. The overlapping opioid, housing, and health crises are pushing people into poverty every day, and homelessness and addiction in Metro Vancouver is at an all-time high.
people in Metro Vancouver and Greater Victoria experiencing homelessness in 2023
Downtown Eastside families living at or below the poverty line
British Columbians passed away from opioid overdose in 2022
Our Locations
Our Locations: We offer care in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, across Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, and in Greater Victoria. Our 10 locations include drop-in centres, shelter, live-in recovery programs, social enterprise stores, and more.
About UGM
We have a rich, 80-year history of feeding hope and changing lives. It’s given us a deep determination to transform communities, by demonstrating the love of Christ.
Get Involved with UGM
Use your hands and heart to make a difference. By giving your time, you show compassion, love, and kindness to our neighbours in need.
Share items needed
By stocking up our Outreach teams with essential items and seasonal supplies, you provide vital care and a listening ear that can save lives.
Other ways to help
Whether you’re a business, church, or an individual, there are plenty of ways to get involved! By joining us today, we can make an even deeper impact in our communities.
Donate to UGM
Your gifts provide meals, shelter, outreach, and more to people struggling in our community.