
President and Board Chairperson’s Message 2022–2023


A hobbit receives a knock on the door. A girl steps through a wardrobe. A young man discovers a malfunctioning droid. Many of our best-known stories begin with a moment of interruption. Of invitation.

This year at Union Gospel Mission, we saw time and time again the power of an open door. We invited thousands to sit down at a warm meal, hundreds into restorative recovery programming, and so many unique individuals into one-on-one care where they felt seen and valued. Welcomed into safety and stability, mothers regained custody of their children. Fathers found new pathways to health and well-being. And children experienced the love and care of God through the support of their friends and UGM team members. These doors are open because of you.


Each and every service you support here at UGM is designed as a threshold. For so many, transformation is just on the other side of a moment of help — whether that is a meal, a night of shelter, a program of recovery, or supportive transitional housing. When people find an open door at UGM and choose to step through, they often find themselves in new seasons of hope, growth, and discovery.

In a recent conversation about Men’s Recovery, we heard someone use the term “re-story” to describe this process of renewal. When you extend hospitality, when you provide meals and shelter, you are giving people the opportunity to change their stories — to write new chapters, to step into restoration and joy. We love this concept of “re-storying” because it reflects the goodness of God’s plans: each life we encounter is a unique narrative, full of potential plot twists and seasons of transformation. We don’t know where people’s stories will take them next, but we anticipate God’s goodness in their lives.

We couldn’t continue to extend welcome to our communities without you. People arrive at UGM with specific and multifaceted needs; it’s through your continuing care that they are able to find our doors open.

As always, we pray that seeing the impact of your generosity in this year’s Annual Report inspires and uplifts you. Thank you for holding onto compassion, and keeping change accessible to your neighbours.

In faith and gratitude,





Our Leadership

Dean Kurpjuweit, President
Dan Russell, Vice President, Mission Initiatives
Ryan Koch, Vice President, External Engagement
Stacey Reyes, Vice President, People Excellence
Angel Tse, Vice President, Finance & Operations
Rob Thompson, Senior Director, Community Services & Career Development
Tara MacDonald, Senior Director, Women & Families Programs

Our Board

Jim Barkman, Chair
Gigi Chen-Kuo, Vice-Chair
Laurie Bristow, Treasurer
Jeff Spruston, Secretary
Dr. Joseph Yang
Dr. Toma Timothy
Jackee Kasandy
Sara Robertson
Dr. Trevor Wilson
Danny Chase
Anna King
Kathy Chan
Robert Pasman