UGM’s mission of helping people in need has resonated with Jennifer for decades. When she was younger and building a life of her own, she would give in ways that she could, such as donating her time, energy and items in need.
Later on, when she was more financially stable, she started to give to UGM on a regular basis with both items in need and regular monetary donations. “UGM’s hands on approach really resonates with me. They make it easy to contribute in many ways where most organizations ask primarily for cash. UGM does a great job highlighting basic necessities people need like shampoo, razor blades and warm socks. Before being introduced to UGM, I’d take the basics, like disposable razors, for granted and throw them out without thinking there were people without this luxury. UGM does an excellent job connecting its donors to those in need and I’m just so grateful for UGM and their critical role in getting the community what it needs.”
The more Jennifer connected to UGM, the more she wanted to support the organization. She’s enjoyed learning more about our services and the people we serve such as through virtual tours and hearing stories from our guests. “One of my key takeaways is understanding that people who are employed still need UGM. Even if you’re employed, sometimes you can’t afford housing, transportation and the basic necessities at the same time. I never considered that before and it was a real awakening for me.”
Jennifer has a clear passion for investing in the dignity of people. So she chooses to continually support UGM as a monthly donor and this has been incredibly life-giving for her. She also wants to set an example for her son and instill a sense of awareness in him, helping foster compassion in the next generation.
“I love that UGM is always there supporting the community without any judgement. I’d encourage people to really think about the daily luxuries we take for granted , myself included, and consider the reality that there are folks who can’t even meet basic needs. I’m not asking anyone to give up what they’ve worked hard for but to consider helping in any way they can afford by fitting a small amount in their budget to give. I love how UGM makes that easy, because it’s only $3.29 for a meal. Start small, build consistency and increase in the future if it’s possible for you.”
UGM has several exciting initiatives coming in the near future, and being a consistent part of supporting these transformative services is meaningful for Jennifer. “Seeing UGM’s new Women’s Centre under construction blew my mind. This idea that UGM is continuing to build for the future is super encouraging because there’s always going to be a need in this city.”
Join Jennifer and become part of UGM’s Hearts for the City monthly donor family. Partner with us to feed hope and change lives, one month at a time.
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