- Wednesday, June 12, 2024 -
UGM’s New Report Shows Dire Link Between the Climate Crisis and Homelessness
‘Unhoused Under Pressure’ was created in collaboration with UBC’s Sustainability Hub.
(Vancouver, B.C.) – At Union Gospel Mission, we are seeing firsthand the impact that extreme shifts in weather are having on community members. From the tragic deaths during the heat dome in 2021, to the lack of shelter and warming spaces for community members, the challenges presented by a changing climate are directly felt by those we serve. Together with the University of British Columbia’s Sustainability Hub, UGM is releasing a new report: “Unhoused Under Pressure.” The report shows that unhoused people in the DTES experience significantly more detrimental health impacts when facing extreme heat and extreme cold.
“We can no longer separate homelessness and climate change,” says UGM spokesperson Sarah Chew, “If we want to solve one issue, we must also address the other. They are interconnected, and both are causing harm and threatening the lives of the Downtown Eastside community.”
UGM’s report also highlights action steps and recommendations for the City of Vancouver to commit to and implement as soon as possible to mitigate the damage of climate change. Calling for actions such as decreasing exposure to the elements, increasing access to water, and making emergency spaces inclusive and inviting will enable better health outcomes for unhoused community members.
“Integrating the report’s findings into Vancouver's climate action strategies is essential,” says Linda Nowlan, Senior Director of UBC’s Sustainability Hub, “In this pressing climate emergency, it is imperative that all institutions, including universities, take action."
The report will be released at UGM’s Summer Connect event on June 12th, 2024. Summer Connect is a one-stop shop for people in the DTES to connect with over 30 service providers, all in one day. Whether it’s filing taxes, getting a bike repaired, finding employment or housing, or getting a free haircut, Summer Connect hopes to empower and equip the DTES community with the resources they need to thrive.
Sarah Chew and Linda Nowlan will be on-site June 12th for interviews about the report.
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Time: Media wishing to attend are welcome between 11:30AM—1:30PM
Where: Union Gospel Mission Vancouver, 601 East Hastings Street
Please RSVP to before arriving
Upon arrival at UGM’s reception, please look for UGM staff at the media table. Matthew Fraser can be contacted if Sarah Chew is unavailable, at: 778-887-0053.
You can read the full report and key findings here.
Sarah Chew
Media Relations Specialist
Cell: 604-996-1417
Union Gospel Mission has been feeding hope and changing the lives of men, women, youth, and children for more than 80 years. UGM provides emergency shelter, meals, outreach, career development counselling, education, safe and affordable housing, addiction recovery, and much more to those struggling with poverty, homelessness and addiction. The heart of UGM is to demonstrate God’s transforming love, ease the burden of those who are vulnerable, and come alongside people who feel cast aside. To learn more, visit
The UBC Sustainability Hub’s mission is, “Inspiring people to act upon the planet’s most
urgent challenges through UBC’s academic and operational sustainability leadership.” Some of the ways the Hub does this include convening and building strong networks to accelerate action in sustainability at all levels, ensuring local communities have access to knowledge, and equipping agents of change with the resources and connections they need to achieve greater impact.